Where Do We Go From Here?.............. Introspection Pending.

Due to various.......... , no further comment on this provider will be made here.

Introspection Pending!

My Wonderful Mother Starved
Herself To Death
~ I helped her do it.
It was probably the hardest, yet
Most significant and rewarding thing I have ever done, or likely will ever do!

Mom really, REALLY, REALLY Loved Her Food!

We Spent a lot of Time Near
The End Discussing How Food Is So Much More Than Just Fuel!

And To Stand Idly By
Whilst Others are Being Abused ...
Nope...... Not In Our Nature!

Apparently, according to the article published below;
Christine O’Brien, then manager of Mount Edwards Court, skirted around the periphery of the kitchen, hoping to avoid the temptation of freshly baked cookies or brownies. Luckily, for day three of her healthy eating diet, the baked goods weren't prepared yet.

.... and O’Brien also reported that she couldn't wait for COVID to be over so residents could experience the pleasures of dining together.

click anywhere on the link above
For full article

Plates! Yep...
Oh we've come
Sooo far!

Breakfast And Honourarium

We are sad to announce that due to budget cuts, starting December 1st, Breakfast Service and the Honourarium Program will no longer be provided at Mount Edwards. Merry Chrstmas! If you you have any questions, concerns or complaints, please connect with staff.

All Things seen and ThingsUnseen re: Radar and Cross-hairs.. ...considered?
GULP... YEP! fuck it! We're staring down the barrel of WW3nuclear version...
and we can't even figure out dignified meals and plates.Time to get off my ass!

People 65 years and older, especially men, have a high risk of suicide. As Canada’s largest population group, the baby boomers, approach the plus 65 age range, we may see an increase in suicide in years to come (Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH), Van Orden & Deming, 2017)

As we Venture Down that Golden Mile...
Accept Defeat .....OR..... Refuse!
Advice From Trudeau It's cheaper to just kill us!

Every year, approximately 4,500 people in Canada die by suicide, which is the equivalent to 12 people dying by suicide every day.
Every day, more than 200 people in Canada attempt suicide.(Sep 16, 2024)

Bad Timing Paul!

In 2020-2021 Mt. Eddy had terrible WiFi Paul moved into his suite during a particularly lousy run of ongoing connection problems Many of us had been inquiring and complaining for days. A particular staff member had had it up to here and Paul was the straw to break (redacted/for now.)'s back.

'Connecting' lol... With Staff .... may be perilous to your mental health. It is to mine~gjh


Not knowing, Paul, three days into his Tenancy, was trying to connect his stuff up and couldn't get a WiFi connection.
'All I wanted to do was ask about the Wifi Password.' a bewildered Paul related. 'I never finished the sentence when she 'barked'

'If You Don't like It? Find Somewhere Else To Live!' WTF?
We all howled knowing who she was before he even described her as he never even knew her name.